Belgrade Apartments with Wardrobe

Apartments in Belgrade - Are you planning to stay in Belgrade for a longer time or you just simply want to take more clothes with you to so you can conquer the streets of Belgrade with the perfect clothes combination? We are here to help! We are aware that a wardrobe as well as storage space for clothes are important, so we have prepared the list Belgrade Apartments with Wardrobe! All apartments in this list have a wardrobe and storage space for clothes and shoes. We know that it is important to preserve the clothes in the best possible condition and keep them without creases, and these apartments with wardrobe allow just that!
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Two Bedroom Apartment Vila Tara Belgrade Vozdovac house of 100m2, ideal for families


Location: Belgrade Vozdovac
Address: Stanoja Milutinovica 13
Price 70 €
Guests: 6
Area of the apartment : 100 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
two Bedroom Apartment Vila Tara Belgrade Vozdovac
Belgrade Vozdovac ~ Stanoja Milutinovica 13
100 m2 Two Bedroom 6 Guests 0

Studio Apartment Gira Belgrade Vozdovac size 30m2 for up to 4 people


Location: Belgrade Vozdovac
Address: Булевар ЈНА 74
Price 25 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 30 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Gira Belgrade Vozdovac
Belgrade Vozdovac ~ Булевар ЈНА 74
30 m2 Studio 4 Guests 0

Studio Apartment Central and Cozy Belgrade Savski Venac


Location: Belgrade Savski Venac
Address: Kraljevića Marka 15
Price 60 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 23 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Central and Cozy Belgrade Savski Venac
Belgrade Savski Venac ~ Kraljevića Marka 15
23 m2 Studio 3 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment Iconic Belgrade Cukarica


Location: Belgrade Cukarica
Address: Lole Ribara 51
Price 35 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 45 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Iconic Belgrade Cukarica
Belgrade Cukarica ~ Lole Ribara 51
45 m2 Two Bedroom 3 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment Hedonic Rakovica Belgrade Rakovica size 47m2 and ideal for a stay of up to 3 people


Location: Belgrade Rakovica
Address: Marička 26
Price 35 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 47 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Hedonic Rakovica Belgrade Rakovica
Belgrade Rakovica ~ Marička 26
47 m2 Two Bedroom 3 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment BW Koren Simfonije Belgrade Savski Venac on the first floor, covers an area of 50 m² and is ideal for a comfortable stay for up to 3 peop


Location: Belgrade Savski Venac
Address: Hercegovačka 15
Price 85 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 50 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment BW Koren Simfonije Belgrade Savski Venac
Belgrade Savski Venac ~ Hercegovačka 15
50 m2 Two Bedroom 3 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment Cozy Borca Belgrade Palilula. With an area of 32m², it is ideal for up to 2 guests and is situated on the 4th and top floor.


Location: Belgrade Palilula
Address: Ranka Miljica 55
Price 40 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 32 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Cozy Borca Belgrade Palilula
Belgrade Palilula ~ Ranka Miljica 55
32 m2 Two Bedroom 2 Guests 0

Studio Apartment Leka’s Hill Belgrade Vozdovac studio of 26m2, ideal for a stay of up to 2 people


Location: Belgrade Vozdovac
Address: Braće Kovač 76
Price 35 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 26 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Leka’s Hill  Belgrade Vozdovac
Belgrade Vozdovac ~ Braće Kovač 76
26 m2 Studio 2 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment BW Flex Belgrade Savski Venac modernly equipped apartment, ideal for a stay of 4 people


Location: Belgrade Savski Venac
Address: Bulevar Vudroa Vilsona 8v
Price 110 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 56 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment BW Flex Belgrade Savski Venac
Belgrade Savski Venac ~ Bulevar Vudroa Vilsona 8v
56 m2 Two Bedroom 4 Guests 0

Studio Apartment Wood Belgrade Vracar. On the ground floor of a residential building, covering an area of 16m2, for a stay of up to 2 people.


Location: Belgrade Vracar
Address: Patrijarha Varnave 40
Price 50 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 16 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Wood Belgrade Vracar
Belgrade Vracar ~ Patrijarha Varnave 40
16 m2 Studio 2 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment Sloboda Belgrade Rakovica. On the first floor of a residential building, with an area of 33m², and can accommodate up to 2 people.


Location: Belgrade Rakovica
Address: 17.Oktobra 42B
Price 35 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 33 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Sloboda Belgrade Rakovica
Belgrade Rakovica ~ 17.Oktobra 42B
33 m2 Two Bedroom 2 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment Johnny Beograd Zemun One-room apartment in Zemun for 4 people


Location: Belgrade Zemun
Address: Visoka 18
Price 58 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 39 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Johnny Beograd Zemun
Belgrade Zemun ~ Visoka 18
39 m2 Two Bedroom 4 Guests 0

Three Bedroom Apartment Artem Belgrade Zvezdara. It is situated on the ground floor of a residential building, covering an area of 69m², for up to 6 people


Location: Belgrade Zvezdara
Address: Zahumska 42
Price 55 €
Guests: 6
Area of the apartment : 69 m2
Structure : Three Bedroom
Three Bedroom Apartment Artem Belgrade Zvezdara
Belgrade Zvezdara ~ Zahumska 42
69 m2 Three Bedroom 6 Guests 0

Studio Apartment inJoy 7 Belgrade Savski Venac


Location: Belgrade Savski Venac
Address: Hercegovačka 21
Price 80 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 33 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment inJoy 7 Belgrade Savski Venac
Belgrade Savski Venac ~ Hercegovačka 21
33 m2 Studio 2 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment Novak Lux Belgrade New Belgrade. It is situated on the ground floor, covering an area of 60m², for a comfortable stay of up to 3 people.


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Antifašističke borbe 23D
Price 65 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 60 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Novak Lux Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Antifašističke borbe 23D
60 m2 Two Bedroom 3 Guests 0

One-room Apartment Igor Dorcol Belgrade Center. One bedroom apartment near the zoo


Location: Belgrade Center
Address: Solunska 5
Price 60 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 45 m2
Structure : One Bedroom
One-room Apartment Igor Dorcol Belgrade Center
Belgrade Center ~ Solunska 5
45 m2 One Bedroom 4 Guests 0

Two Bedroom Apartment Stacy Belgrade Center modernly equipped apartment ideal for a stay of up to 3 people


Location: Belgrade Zvezdara
Address: Kapetana Milosa Zunjica 25i
Price 45 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Stacy Belgrade Center
Belgrade Zvezdara ~ Kapetana Milosa Zunjica 25i
35 m2 Two Bedroom 3 Guests 0

Two-room Apartment Solaris Belgrade, Vracar, spacious apartment of 72 m2, ideal for up to 4 people.


Location: Belgrade Vracar
Address: Vojvode Hrvoja 29
Price 65 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 72 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Solaris Belgrade Vracar
Belgrade Vracar ~ Vojvode Hrvoja 29
72 m2 Two Bedroom 4 Guests 0

Belgrade Apartments with Wardrobe

Apartments in Belgrade - Are you planning to stay in Belgrade for a longer time or you just simply want to take more clothes with you to so you can conquer the streets of Belgrade with the perfect clothes combination? We are here to help! We are aware that a wardrobe as well as storage space for clothes are important, so we have prepared the list Belgrade Apartments with Wardrobe! All apartments in this list have a wardrobe and storage space for clothes and shoes. We know that it is important to preserve the clothes in the best possible condition and keep them without creases, and these apartments with wardrobe allow just that!

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