Belgrade Attractions Center Francuska

Center Francuska - The neighborhood Center Francuska is the most popular and most famous neighborhood in Belgrade and among our guests the most sought after. The neighborhood Francuska Center stretches from the Republic Square to Džordža Vašingona street. Center Francuska is located in the Old Town, and is the most beautiful part of Belgrade. What our guests are attracted by in the Center Francuska is the diverse architecture, greenery and connections with the rest of the city. For those looking for peace and tranquility Francuska Center is an ideal location for renting apartments, however it is also the perfect choice for those who want to have a good time and have fun, because of the many cafes, bistros, restaurants or the well-known pedestrian zone of Knez Mihailova street and the nearby District Cetinjska 15. The neighborhood Center Francuska is attractive to tourists too, being that it has a multitude of sights, galleries, monuments and theaters nearby, the National Theater being in the very center of the neighborhood.

Kuća Nikole Pašića

Francuska 21, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - House Nikola Pasic from the list Belgrade Attractions is in Francuska Street, and was built in 1872, it consists of a basement, ground floor and a mansard roof. The property which the house from the list Belgrade Attractions was built on belonged to the famous dealers, Nikola and Kosta Dzanga. The house is a one-family house with... read more

Attraction Kuća Nikole Pašića Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Narodno pozorište

Francuska 3, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The National Theater is located in the very center of Belgrade and together with Knez Mihailova Street and the monument to Prince Mihailo Obrenovic, makes it the most beautiful and visited pedestrian zone in the capital. It is located on Francuska Street where the Stambol Gate used to be. The theater itself is divided into two scenes... read more

Attraction Narodno pozorište Belgrade
011 3281 333
011 2620 946
[email protected]
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 20:00h

Palata Ratnički dom (Dom JNA)

Braće Jugovića 19, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Palace of the Veternas' House or the JNA House and the Serbian Army House is located not far from Republic Square and occupies a place of exceptional cultural and historical importance for Belgrade. The palace was built in 1931 for cultural information purposes of the army and reserve officers. To date, the Serbian Armed Forces House... read more

Attraction Palata Ratnički dom (Dom JNA) Belgrade
011 3234702
011 3234712
[email protected]
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 19:00h