Kralja Petra 5, Belgrade
Belgrade Attractions - The Patriarchate Building is the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the center of ecclesiastical authority. It is located on Kosancic's Wreath at King Peter Street and Cathedral Church. The Patriarchate's Palace is not the first building for such a purpose. In the middle of the 19th century, the old building of Belgrade-Karlovac Metropolis was built, which... read more
Kosančićev Venac, Belgrade
Belgrade Attractions - The National Library of Serbia from the list Belgrade Attractions once stood on Kosančićev venac, the only thing in its place now are the remainders that once on that very place there was a magnificent building that was home to knowledge and history. The rubble and karst of the National library of Serbia from the list Belgrade... read more
Kneza Sime Markovića 8, Belgrade
Belgrade Attractions - The residence of Princess Ljubica from the list Belgrade Attractions is located at Kneza Sime Markovica street, near the city center. Besides the building from the list Belgrade Attractions, next to the building of the Patriarchate there was another, an old palace, that had residential purposes, however, Prince Miloš decided to build a new palace right next... read more
Kosančićev Venac 22, Belgrade
Belgrade Attractions - The house in Kosančićev venac from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in 1910 for Mihil Petrovic, popularly known as Mika Alas, who lived,worked and died there. It was built on the site of the demolished house of his grandfather Novica Lazarevic, a Belgradian archpriest. The famous mathematician, scientist and fisherman spent nearly all his life in... read more