Dental Focus

Stevana Sremca 13, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

3.DENTAL FOCUS   The Specialist Dental Practice of Primarius Dr. Tatjana Devetak Jankov was founded in 1995 with headquarters in the very center of Belgrade, in the most attractive and most visited part of the city. For 21 years we have been nurturing and improving the dental health of patients. Within the Dental Focus there are two fully equipped clinics... read more

Dentist Dental Focus Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 10:00h to 18:00h
Dentist Mihailovic Belgrade
working hours / Wednesday
from 14:00h to 20:00h
Dentist Dental Corner Esthetics Belgrade
[email protected]
working hours / Wednesday
from 10:00h to 18:00h