Donna Dent Belgrade, Vozdovac ~ Braće Jerković 71,prvi ulaz 1 Dentist

U Donna dent ordinaciji, mi znamo vrednost osmeha. Tu smo da sacuvamo zdravlje Vaših zuba i Vaš lep osmeh. Zdravi zubi nam, pored estetike, omogucuju pravilnu ishranu i pravilan govor. Ako vodimo brigu o zdravlju svojih zuba, moci cemo da snažno žvacemo hranu, da lepo i jasno govorimo i da uvek izgledamo negovano i zdravo. Primenom najsavremenijih metoda, konstantnim usavršavanjem i korišcenjem materijala vrhunskog kvaliteta nastojimo da Vam pružimo stomatološke usluge kakve zaslužujete. Strah od stomatologa je jedan od najcešcih strahova, ali to ne treba da bude razlog da izbegavate redovne kontrole i posete stomatologu. Donna dent strucni tim Voždovac blagonaklonim i toplim pristupom, uz osmeh, razgovor i opuštenu atmosferu ucinice da se osecate sigurno i opušteno. Prijatan ambijent i moderan enterijer ordinacije kod pacijenta stvaraju pozitivan utisak i smanjuju strah od sledece posete. Naš posveceni tim cine vrhunski stomatolozi, specijalisti ortodoncije i oralne hirurgije: dr Nataša Ilic specijalista ortopedije vilica, dr Nevena Golub specijalista oralne hirurgije, dr Marija Maksovic doktor stomatologije. Sa desetogodišnjim iskustvom naša stomatološka ordinacija na Voždovcu pruža usluge iz svih oblasti stomatologije i antiejdžing medicine.

day From To
Monday 12:00 20:00
Tuesday 12:00 20:00
Wednesday 12:00 20:00
Thursday 12:00 20:00
Friday 12:00 20:00
Saturday 12:00 20:00
Sunday 0 24:00

Examinations :
Dental examination , Examinations on the weekend and holidays , First aid , Specialist examination and consultations
Conservative dentistry :
Composite fillings , Amalgam fillings , Drug application , Nerve extraction , Root canal treatment , Dead tooth whitening , Teeth fixing
Periodontics :
Plaque removal , Teeth polishing , Teeth sandblasting , Treatment of periodontal pockets , Surgical treatment of periodontal disease
Prosthodontics :
Immediate prosthesis , Partial acrylic prosthesis , Complete denture , Partial skeletal denture , Partial skeletal denture with attachments , Direct relining of dentures , Indirect relining of dentures , Denture repair , Temporary crown , Composite veneers , Ceramic veneers , Temporary veneers , Metal-ceramic crowns , Non-metal crowns , Non-metal crowns on implant , Metal ceramic crown on implant , Temporary crown on implant , Casted upgrade , Fiberglas construction , Valplast adapted prosthesis , Composite facits , Ceramic facets
Implantology :
Sinus lift , Implant placement with a superstructure , Insertion of implants to support the complete denture , Prosthesis on implants
Oral surgery :
Gingivectomy , Frenectomy , Cystectomy , Tooth extraction , Surgical tooth extraction , Ridge leveling , Surgical closure of the sinuses , Apicoectomy , Surgical removal of a wisdom tooth , Surgical tooth removal
Orthodontics :
Mobile braces , Fixed braces
Cosmetic dentistry :
Whitening of a dead teeth , Laser teeth whitening , Home teeth whitening , One seance teeth whitening
Child and preventive dentistry :
Removal of soft deposits , Fissure sealing , Tooth impregnation with natrium fluoride , Extraction of baby teeth , Glass - ionomer filling for children , Composite filling for children
Belgrade Center 5.01 km
The Republic Square 5.01 km
Knez Mihailova Street 5.27 km
Skadarlija 5.04 km
Bus Station 7.22 km
Train station 3.39 km
Airport Nikola Tesla 16.11 km
Slavija Square 3.43 km
The Vuk Monument 3.11 km
Sava Center 5.72 km
Belgrade Arena 6.8 km
Clinical Hospital Centre 2.98 km
Shopping Center Usce 5.93 km
Shopping Center Delta City 7.22 km
Ada Ciganlija 7.65 km
Belgrade Fair 4.59 km
Bus station 7.22 km
Center 132.53 km
Mona 132.45 km
Lake 132.26 km
Palisad 132.2 km
Ski resort 141.77 km
Tornik 141.77 km
Market 132.69 km
Tourist Organization 132.04 km
Čigota 132.78 km
Adventure Park 132.75 km
Dino Park 132.75 km
Monument to the firing Partisans 133.43 km
Waterfal - Gostilje 134.76 km
Stopića pećina 129.49 km
Military Medical Academy 2.21 km
Kalemegdan 6.04 km
Rajko Mitic Stadium 2.07 km
Partizan Stadium 2.62 km
Institute for Mother and Child 3.1 km

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Price 36 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 51 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
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Address: Kumodraska 172
Price 45 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 50 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
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Address: Rastka Petrovića 62
Price 45 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 43 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Stadion Belgrade Vozdovac
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43 m2 Two Bedroom 4 Guests 4.3 (16)