Although most car rental agencies require clients to pay a deposit before picking up the vehicle, there are a number of them that allow you to start your ride without any additional obligations. This tempting option is sometimes crucial when a client decides from which agency to request the required vehicle. These agencies consider the client's word to be a sufficient guarantee and do not want to oblige them with additional costs. We believe that customers will reciprocate with the same measure and return the used vehicle in undamaged condition.
Vladimira Popovica 10, Belgrade
Bel rent a car Belgrade agency for rent a car is located in Belgrade, municipality New Belgrade, in Vladimira Popovica street. Rent a car Bel has a huge asortiman of cars which are available 24 hours, 365 days in year. All our vehicles are fully functional and regularly serviced. All vehicles are completely secure and equipped GPS navigation - to... read more