Savski venac is the municipality of Belgrade and this part of the city is traffic, tourist and business center of Belgrade. This is one of the oldest municipalities in the city. On the territory of this municipality is located about 80 cultural monuments of great importance . Here there is a big business center " BRIDGE ". Topčidarski park is also located in this municipality. Even nine hotels were built on this territory, some of them are famous Hotel Bristol and Hotel Belgrade. There is also a large number of cafes, bars and several famous clubs.
Private Polyclinics Belgrade - We would like to present to you some of the best and the most recognized private polyclinics in Belgrade. Private polyclinics provide health services such as: all sort of specialized examinations in one place, laboratory analysis, and the possibility for a general health check-up. Some of these mentioned private polyclinics in Belgrade also offer coming to your home address in case of an emergency. All you need to do is to select one of listed private polyclinics in Belgrade, and make your appointment.
Koste Racina 16, Belgrade
La Brea - specialist clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery is located in Belgrade in Dedinje, Koste Racina 16. This clinic exists for 20 years now, and there are experts trained at the Military Medical Academy and the world. All antiaging procedures from PRP plasma therapy to meso and Botox treatment are performed, as well as surgical procedures in... read more
Two-room apartment Waterfront Peaceful Nest Belgrade Savski Venac, a modern apartment for four adults in the settlement Belgrade Waterfront